Athena Global Energy Solutions

The Power of Wisdom









Applications for Electrocoagulation

Produced Water Treatment:  Produced water is a term used in the oil & gas industry to describe water that is produced when oil and gas are extracted from the ground. Oil and gas reservoirs have a natural water layer (formation water) that lies under the hydrocarbons. Oil reservoirs frequently contain large volumes of water, while gas reservoirs tend to have smaller quantities. To achieve maximum oil recovery additional water is often injected into the reservoirs to help force the oil to the surface. Both the formation water and the injected water are eventually produced along with the oil and therefore as the field becomes depleted the produced water content of the oil increases. Electrocoagulation is used as an extremely cost effective and scalable treatment for the reuse of produced waste water.

Frac Water Treatment Frac Flowback Water Treatment is a treatment that uses gel also known as a proppant. A proppant is a solid material, typically treated sand or man-made ceramic materials, designed to keep an induced hydraulic fracture open, during or following a fracturing treatment. It is added to a fracking fluid which may vary in composition depending on the type of fracturing used, and can be gel, foam or slickwater-based. Electrocoagulation has been used as a successful treatment of fracking gels and should be considered in any water treatment management of hydraulic fracturing.

Ground Water Cleanup: Electrocoagulation is extremely effective in the removal of naturally occurring salts in well water, as well as the separation of iron, magnesium, calcium, metals, nitrates and sulfur. EC is also well suited for the reclamation of ground water that has been contaminated with heavy metals, high molecular weight hydrocarbons and haliginated hydrocarbons.

Surface Water Cleanup: Electrocoagulation is used to remove bacteria, viruses and cysts from surface water, thereby rendering contaminated waste streams into potable water. EC is particularly effective in the removal of life threatening contaminants such as giardia and crypotosporidium.

Process Rinse Water and Wash Water: EC routinely remediates process and rinse water from the electroplating, computer board manufactures, textile industry, paint rinse water, steel production, mining industry, automotive industry, equipment repair industry, stack wash water, and pulp and paper. In most cases, the treated water can be recycled and reused.

Sewage Treatment: Electrocoagulation has proven effective in treating sewage water, sewage sludge concentrations, and sewage sludge metal fixation sufficiently to enable land application.

Cooling Towers: EC is used to pretreat water entering towers as well as blow down water to remove algae, suspended solids, calcium, and magnesium buildup, thereby eliminating costly replacement water.

Radioactive Isotope Removal: Metal ion isotope removal from cooling water at a nuclear power plant site demonstrates another effective application of electrocoagulation.

Water Pretreatment: Water pretreatment with EC has proven effective in removing bacteria, silica and TSS prior to subsequent polishing with reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, photocatalytics.

Water Reuse Resulting in Zero Discharge: EC cost effectively treats electroplating rinse water, stream cleaners, pressure washers, mining, food processing, drilling mud, etc.

Food Processing Industry: Meat, poultry, fish, total plant effluent to harvest additional protein and fat for sale, salad oil, beverage, potato processing, vegetable washing, equipment washing.

Antifreeze Regeneration: The removal of metals, oils, and dirt, from the antifreeze. Large fleet users include governments, mining companies, bus companies, trucking companies, service stations, auto dealerships, etc.


System Capabilities

  • Removes heavy metals as oxides that pass TCLP

    Removes suspended and colloidal solids

    Breaks oil emulsions in water

    Removes fats, oil, and grease

    Removes complex organics

    Destroys & removes bacteria, viruses & cysts

    Processes multiple contaminants

  • Textile and Dye
  • Key Applications

  • Ground water cleanup

    Process rinse and wash water

    Potable water

    Sewage treatment

    Cooling towers

    Radioactive isotope removal

    Pretreatment for reverse osmosis, ultra filtration, nanofiltration, photocatalytics

    Water reuse resulting in zero discharge

    Metal recovery

    Influent quality water control

    Industrial waste water


  • Benefits

  • Capital cost significantly less than alternative technologies
  • Operating cost significantly less than alternative technologies
  • Low power requirements
  • Generally no chemical additions
  • Metal oxide formation passing TCLP
  • Low maintenance
  • Minimal operator attention
  • Handles a wide variation in the waste stream
  • Consistent and reliable results
  • Sludge minimization
  • Treats multiple contaminants




Frac (Baken)  Electro (VEP)
  Frac (Marcellus)  In Operation



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